Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Class Syllabus

Instructor: Chris Callis
718-638-5150    Work
718-938-9871     Cell
Solving the Mysteries of Light
Wednesdays 3pm-5:50pm
Location: MFA Photo Studio Room 109

Class Description:

This class is an advanced lighting class and a student should have knowledge of basic lighting techniques and equipment. The goal of this class is for each student to develop their own unique lighting style. This will be achieved through discussions of photographs that students will post on their blog with his or her best evaluation of how that lighting was achieved. Every week there will be a lighting demonstration.


Each week every student will post a photograph that they wish to emulate the lighting of, along with a sketch showing the student’s best assessment of to how the lighting was achieved. Through class discussion, a new sketch of the lighting will be developed. An individual assignment will
be given to the students based on the photograph they brought to class along with the revised lighting sketch that evolved during class. The assignment will be due the next week. A blog will be kept showing the development of each student’s lighting throughout the semester and it will include the photographs that were posted, sketches of the lighting plots, revised sketches from class discussions, and the photographic results of each individual assignment. The blog organization will comprise a portion of the student’s grade.


All assignments (a total of 13 emulations) must be completed by the end of the semester.

Grading will be based on achievement.

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