Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lesson 1 Window Light Simulation

I wanted to see if the distance of the source of lighting from the window opening in this window light simulation mattered as far as the quality of light and the inverse square law was concerned.  In one example I lit the 15x12x30 cyclorama at Industria's studio 2 and placed the 8x8 window frame at its edge.  In the next example I hung 2 bed sheets in front of the window frame so that the light source was the bed sheets instead of the back of the cyclorama which was 15 feet away.  The quality of the light and the action of the inverse square law were exactly the same.  I was surprised so performed the next experiment below.

 In this experiment I created a doll size studio that was 12x12x12 with the right side and front left open.  The light came through the right side 12x12 opening.  The top two pictures of Ken were shot with the doll studio on the roof with the opening faced the north on a perfectly clear day with and without diffusion on the opening.  The only effect the diffusion had was to change the color balance.  The light however looks the same much in the same was the experiment at Industria worked.  Using the two different light shapers with strobes also yield the same light.

Below are the comparison of one image shot with the 6x6 butterfly (the top part of the setup was turned off) and the other image shot with the octabank.  I included 3 magnifications to better see the differences. Pretty close I'd say.

Production stills by Ash Smith

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